Wednesday, December 29, 2010
I Lost My Us Visa Interview Confirmation Id
1. Relax: to lie down on the couch, ride skiing, ice skating, go to the forest, a museum, a movie.
2. Do 2 copyright
3. Read a book on German grammar
4. Learn a few verses of large and long but beautiful
5.remont in the bathroom)
6. do the construction.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Angiomyolymphoma Ultrasound
superpowers to become invisible
What superpowers do you have?
Skate Racemachine Canada 2010
This work brings me closer together and remove from my dreams. I'm so afraid that she permanently izcheznet and forgotten.
this fall there was almost no rain, and I love to sit by the window with tea to look at the flow of water and falling leaves in the canopies ..
And in the summer, too, there was almost no rain. And I love to run summer rain, but only when warm. And in any case in the snow or rain is well sleep a little longer.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Problem Bloodmoon Max Size
Note the other pairs of TVD - OMMAIGAWD - and the old generation stuff in Harry Potter ... No, in fact, are ruined. And I can not write lemon, which makes me think that there's anything wrong with that. xD
DonnaH temptress, is all your fault.
Eddy Van Halen Still Smokes
I'm turning into such a mechanism, like everyone else.
And time enough for the first two.
How Scorpio Man Flirt
Good afternoon, damsels!
As you know, I usually shop meme, but today, for a change, you store a nice thing, and where fans pucciosa LinkAllen much needed, especially in light of spoiler * knows * who knows
The Week will begin on December 25 and ends December 29. Birthdays respectively Allen [the day he was found by Mana, short] and links. I know that this is a full period, which runs here and there to make gifts, filling their bellies, being with friends, but take a little thought for these Tatini if you like. Even a tiny drabble or un'iconcina beat enough = D
addition, on December 27, as is the day midway between the two birthdays, is officially called the Day Linken Therefore, only one who can post fanfiction or anything else can do that day. It would be nice and fluffoso. Timcampy It would give you a pat with the wings designed for the couple. Or do you pass under the table pictures and incriminating records U_U
Well, no one forces you, but if you wish you had all welcome. Rejoice for the adorable banner Linken and see that Shade has created for us [the images do not belong to us and we do not claim any right. As soon as you find the Shade to credit the authors will provide fanart]
* under the cut! *
Friday, December 17, 2010
Engagement Day Wishes
For quest'adorabile girl Santa Clause made a fanmix dedicated to his sisperabellissimo sicuramentebellissima fanfiction James Sirius / Teddy "Everything". Santa read his letter and has worked hard to achieve at least a wish. So here it is!
Double personality aside, I really hope that my choice of music you enjoy. The cover has been made with Paint, then punishment enough, but I could not put somewhere a blue teddy bear. Or do things like write fluffose JamesxTeddy inside a heart. XD Forgive me O love me. [Cutt that deforms the page]
With better visibility, here is a list of songs with their respective links:
Come Fly With Me [ But you see those two crazy about Harley streaking across the skies *____*]
Your arms feel like home [Via the fluff]
Goodnight Is Not The End [I see myself with this song too Teddy kissing James well at the end of the first appointment **]
Just say yes [This is apparently the mental tuuuuuutte Teddy \u0026lt;3] Be the one
[E 'love \u0026lt;3]
You raise me up [in this we put a little 'Harry and love in the family]
Right before your eyes [here I see James that grows and changes, mature, and that if Teddy looks at him with so much ammmore **]
I've Got You Under My Skin [else seems dedicated to mental Teddy. A mica enough XD]
Everything [Another song with the same title of the fic I had to find it.]
Underneath the stars [the title would be enough just to understand what a scene speak **]
Straight to number one [Hehe, I had to put the lemon bonus XD Just because I've done with that scene out lol]
Merry Christmas, darling. Jeddy produces many readers hungry for us!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
How To Stop Bleeding Roof Of Mouth
you dress skates, get up and down the rink hard and slippery and scary. \\ born.
trying to stand on his feet and slowly go by.
when you go with someone's hand, and then suddenly one or very difficult to go alone.
People go around just so wound circles (years), someone cuts someone, someone falls .. Someone edit virtuosity and quick-and someone, somehow like a cow on ice, and even his knees can not bend.
edish And you and you know that sooner or later you fall, you're afraid of that, try avoided, but still it happens. At this point, most importantly, a friend was nearby and gave her hand, helped to get up and go further.
Many people at the rink, and when someone with him gone, because the time has come, almost no one noticed it.
And go around the edges, the middle of the skate units and in the middle of no Nakatani koli as at the edges, but the ice is uneven.
And when you leave the rink, it's very difficult to go because he was already accustomed to the difficult but the rapid movement, and now you like a ghost ...
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Sympathy Quotes For The Doctor In Frankenstein
Italian proverb says: «Natale con i tuoi e Pasqua con chi vuoi» («Christmas with her, and Easter with whom you like), so the chef Giuseppe Todisco invites you to enjoy the atmosphere Winter holidays at our restaurant in your circle of relatives and close friends.
Dishes for Christmas in Italy may be in different regions of quite different depending on the local cuisine, but always, without fail, there are on the table pasta, fish, seafood, lentils, pig feet in gelatine (cotechino) and the traditional Christmas cake - "Panettone".
Following centuries-old Christmas traditions Giuseppe Todisko presents his vision of Christmas dishes in a special menu «Felice Natale» using traditional Italian products, specially imported for our restaurant.
Auguri di Felice Natale e Buon Anno Nuovo!
- Cappelletti with a mousse of chicken broth 250 rub.
- Polpette liver eggplant with cheese 260 rubles.
Pecorino Romano to a tomato sauce - Pantserotto salad with endive and black cod 360 rub.
- Artichokes in a jelly of Marsala, 620 rubles.
stuffed parfait de foie gras
- Marine scallops, fried mozzarella di Buffalo 550 rub.
- duck breast stuffed with tiger prawns, 690 rubles.
orange sauce and gratin Fennel - Ravioli in Mantua stuffed with pumpkin 430 rubles.
- roulade of turkey stuffed with Christmas "Sotechino, 650 rubles.
with lentils and braised savoy cabbage
- Christmas sformatino of panettone with berries 290 rub.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Free Brent Corrigan Movie
For a few days I will not be traceable. The charger has blown PC and I'll buy it again. There will be updates qualuque-reviews-what until then * cries *
soon, hopefully
Monday, November 22, 2010
Process Audit Checklist
Did you know that:
1. at the restaurant "" Italian " can smoke or not smoke . Of your choice. ( in contrast to a non-smoker osteria )
2. at the restaurant "" The Italian » 3 toilets! No expectations ...
3. at the restaurant "Italian" average bill is 900 rubles ? As in the osteria "We Giuseppe!
4. at the restaurant "The Italian chef Giuseppe Todisko personally delivers some dishes? Not want to meet?
5. Waiters Restaurant Italian »- come from osteria « Y Giuseppe ", because they were glad to see you twice!
6. the restaurant "Italian" a parking ? Do not look for a place ...
7. at the restaurant "The Italian" on weekends from 12 to 18 working children's room with animators?
8. at the restaurant "The Italian" is aquarium with live lobsters . True, you can not feed them ...
9. Now the restaurant "The Italian" a glass of wine costs just 300 rubles . Become a connoisseur of wine!
10. Now in the evenings and on weekends the restaurant Italian » treats glass of Prosecco and a glass of Limoncello. Trifle, but nice!
11. Restaurant "Italian" is located directly behind wall osteria "Do Giuseppe? It's very, very close ...
12. at the restaurant "The Italian" is a more-oh-oh wardrobe .
13. at the restaurant "Italian" you can easily Order all your favorite dishes osteria ?
14. at the restaurant "Italian" to your foreign friends have menu in English and Italian ?
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Shuttering Blocks For Retaining Walls
you like to trust flatterers and liars, their "oo oo dear syusyusyu" Of course, it's easier to listen than to try to turn the brain and something understand.
And why look for reasons why you get rid of, if easier to tell the truth that you love so much as you think.
had noticed that the most zealous lovers of truth, honesty and honor of his friends are choosing the opposite of substance.
you like a lie, but you do not recognize because you love the lie.
you been with me spravazhivala people that you truly love, and I knew that when it stranded on their site. And turned out to be.
Oh well.
Live as you know.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Mount And Blade Riding Level 4
It is time to take stock of the autumn, as with the snowfall, I believe that it is over.
most important achievement is the new job: creative, graphic free bit, the collective good, comfortable salary.
Adventure Autumn: Oh, I is an adventure, but I think I will not write about it here.
Important: Now there is no time, and that is, just enough for the most important.
Now we must learn to allocate time to get enough for all, at least for a little bit.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Charlotte Cruise Spots Gay
Know Do you that the restaurant "Italian" to your foreign friends have menu in English and Italian ?
Friday, November 12, 2010
Where Can Find A Mcm Hand Bag
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Kate Nash Mouthwash Sheet Music
Did you know that restaurant waiters "Italian" - natives of osteria ,
that's why they are as friendly and nice people, as in "Do Giuseppe»
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Pattens For Making Dance Wear
Did you know that the Italian restaurant you can легко заказать все любимые блюда из остерии ?
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
What Is White Discharge At 38 Weeks
Katsura Hoshino is a woman really, really sadistic [200]
E 'a case that as soon as I opened the first page here has started to rain bad? The last page is
OO, Q________, o_o, _ § § Ma .. but you can stop the chapter at a time like this? And oh, now I want the entry in style and even the Panda Lavi
u_u I believe that the Alma! Comment on the Arc at the end. So be prepared.
And sorry, but this should be all caps. AH. They are canon, canon are, are canon, canon are [for once I do not invent things justifying everything with fangherlite.]
is now ready Dec. 1 CAC
Can I Eat Ice-cream On A Upset Stomach
Here I do not know why, but I'm always wary when they call me by name. Immediately there is a feeling that they want obloposhit. Especially scary is when it says too gently and often.
Well perhaps start a sentence with the name when they want something to donate or offer?
usually follows the name is either a request (in very good case), or reprimand, or some podlyanka or deception.
Although Dumb, maybe it wont ..
Money Cheat Leaf Green
Joseph Todisco was born in Bisceglie (Bari) and
graduating from hotel school at the institute
A Perotti in Bari After graduating from high school science
Leonardo Da Vinci, Bisceglie and then the Faculty of Agriculture at the
'University of Bari, Giuseppe decided to make the cook
. . . . .
With a solid foundation from the beginning
held prestigious positions as executive chef at the
Majestic Hotel Rome, Grand Hotel Villa Igea in Palermo and other restaurants in Monaco and
Ljubljana. . . . .
For many years, Mr. Todisco is looking for the right
techniques and combinations that make cooking a pleasure
tasty food for a healthy life
These are the fundamentals behind this new menu which will present
Bon appetit!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Spruce Up Pancake Mix
If you know Harry Potter, or at least did you hear about the bad guys, in particular CattivoH, get a few laughs with me as I try to kill as depression because they are here and not in Lucca.
type, just to name I'd give my vote XD But poor thing, did not come about as fascinating as our Tom - not Voldemort, Tom, let's be clear. Aaahh, I wanted to do something stupid, comprendetemi. And remember, if it were to happen to change citizenship and move to America ... Vote for Tom! He'll appretiate your support XD Picture
found on DA, here: 20riddle & order = 9 & offset = 24 # / d1nztg5
Imagine fans HP found to be passing X ° D I'd do a front with the machine type. Justice of the peace * * suffocates and goes
I forgot ... Happy Halloween. Even if you do not celebrate and I'll be close to home for a principle of influence - and why I would not be out anyway, or at least I was going to help me. * Goes looking * thermometer
Bye. Meme stolen from
Friday, October 29, 2010
33 Weeks Pregnant Sore Tummy
And here my desktop * O *
I do not like, usually have a desktop full of icons - they are already so many, in fact, for me XD See the trash, always strictly full of stuff that I forget to permanently delete the folder with the OST Code Geass, I want to always have at hand, the inevitable OpenOffice that, as I blast my nerves every time I open it, it's my salvation. Then there's the widgets Vodafone, because I'm intolerant to mobile phones and, when I'm home, if I use SMS to send him, much faster than that for free, at least for the first 10 sms XD But so much I will send 10 in six months. Again, see Lastfm, now set on Coldplay - no, has changed, there are now Placebo. Pooooi, there is a document of the Harry Potter Warning Contest in which I participate, and since they are still in operation I prefer having just a click away until not conclude all 10 drabble * and I miss 4 * * O * Finally, Adobe Reader, which I use to read eBook different when I can download them without crashing the PC.
other hand, however, there is my virtual notebook, where I sign the deadlines of the contest, I forget on time. More of us would also be required of your meme XD
The image is taken from the manga D. Gray Man I love that group, including Timcampy. They Friendship * O * E goes well ', except in the case of LaviLenalee, which are love, however, unless sudden inspirations which provide AllenLenalee \u0026lt;3 But in the end they veer more toward the fraternal relationship, more ; deep love in a way. But do not touch LaviLenalee U_U For the rest, are all friends and want beeeeene. Note the absolute
pucciosità Tim, who always tries to be the center of spuccia * Tim *
Well, here I explain my desktoppino \u0026lt;3
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Replacing A 5 Wire Thermostat
Джезеппе Тодиско предлагает совершенно НОВОЕ сезонное Menu (including the new design!)
Some dishes-new items:
Lardeau fresh, homemade sausage and confiture of onions 200 rubles.
braised with morel mushrooms and juniper p. 380.
completely new menu, visit our website. There DELIVERY.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
New Balance Roller Bar
Because his arm in a cast
Because he has no one thought
Because wag your nerves - the only way for him to continue remain in your heart
Because he is trying something to teach you
Because money on mobile ended or is about to run out
Because he is a something on you offended
Because he forgot about you, and you no longer need him
Because for him someone spying
Because he forgot how to do it because
that he is out of network coverage
Because he is not ideologically close
Because he checks his willpower
Because it laziness
Because hands are busy business
Because he sleeps
Because he forgot to somewhere your mobile phone
Because he in a coma
Because his cell depleted
Because he is unfamiliar with you?
Because I do not want to seem obsessive
Because you are so just seems to be: in fact, he sends them enough
Because he sends them wrong addressee Believing that they come to you
Because he still remembers how you broke him for the last unsuccessful sms-ku
Because he has a case and more serious because
that he believes that now - it's your turn
Because he does not like the way you respond
Because the address book it self-destructed cell
Because he found on the dirt and you have not yet figured out what price in exchange for him wrung
Because on top of your phone number, he recorded a number of other girls with the same name
Because he has a bad mood
Because he is too good mood
Because SMS does not fit what he was going to you say
Because the therapist has been banned
Because he has lapses in memory - he thinks he sent it to you several times already
Because the sound confirmation on the delivered SMS wake his mom or detect its location to the enemy
Because you are close by and send you a SMS as a stupid
Because he does not know that you need
Because he still reads your
Because you too are waiting.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Floor Plan Granny Flat
Meme to waste time ... and listen to music, of course. Basically, you have to take their own mp3/iPod/mediaplayer/quellochevolete the first song on the list for each letter of the alphabet. If there is a letter going to do penance or make a sacrifice
U_U And here's mine:
A mbition - Doves
B etter please me - Hinder
C loser - Travis
D on't let me down - Gotthard
E Njoy the Silence - Lacuna Coil
F ireflies - Owl City
G host Love Score - Nightwish
H ow to Save a Life - The Fray
I 's Joy and Sorrow - HIM
J ust a dream - Carrie Underwood
K uolema The Siren - Nightwish
L area's Lullaby - D. Gray Man OST
M ake Believe - The Burned
N ame - Goo Goo Dolls
O nce Upon a December - Anastasia OST
P olaris - Jimmy Eat World
Q / /
R eal to me - Brian McFadden
S ally's Song - Amy Lee
T ake a bow - Muse
U nreachable - 07 Ghost OST
V iolator - Son of Rust
W eapon - Matthew Good Band
X / /
Y ou Look So Fine - Garbage
Z / /
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Initiation Drinks Ideas
In my heart a limited number of places, there are big pieces few, there are small, more of them. And who is busy.
Sometimes a little piece of my heart, people are struggling, not knowing about it.
sometimes must replaced by a new tenant is a worthy area of the heart to expel someone who is not particularly wants to be there.
Every little, every large, each Average bits are responsible for their own. Here's the place for her best friend. That's the same place for a loved one, here's a place for another friend, here is the place for companies to study, Here's the place for another male, that's the place for good friends.
so silly, when such presence is not one, immediately should throw out those who were not even allowed on a small island in his heart, having been in the most picturesque places of thy.
realization comes when a place is someone bright, kind and loving.
Everything is changing rapidly, and some people will not come back to where they once were.
And perhaps, if a person does not put me on a = a significant place in my life, I can hardly put at least some place it.
Monday, October 11, 2010
How To Wash Killtec Coats
Now that LJ has finally decided to cooperate in putting an end to my hysterics ...
Happy Birthday
I should have done this morning, but LJ did not want to work and I like the pc crashed 3 times. I've been preparing for one thing, but I do not think I can finish by midnight ç_ç In any case, it will come. What if I say it's a Jake / Bella forgive me for being late?
Again Happy Birthday, Brother. * Hands cake shaped like a werewolf *
Kisses, Bella
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Treadmill That Can Be Put Under A Bed
Do you have a friend who you can tell all that vzbredet in the head? I have. And not even one-and two.
surprising that with such a character, they are all the same I have, but still so wonderful. Nothing is scary when there are such friends. If I have to move to another place, I am afraid they will have to go, I know that this is very selfish, but I can not without them.
Welcome Messege For Wedding
First of all: Happy Birthday to
I know, we do not know almost nothing, but at least I have him for all the wonderful community that created * O * Congratulations, dear \u0026lt;3 Unfortunately I do not have photoshop - or rather, I did-otherwise I would have created a banner greeting with Sam Winchester in all its beauty * O * It will be for next year xD Then
. I pilfered - again! - A meme to
1.Hermione Granger
2. Jacob Black
3. Edward Elric
4. Orihime Inoue
5. L
6. Akito Hayama
7. Allen Walker
8. Alexiel
9. Rima Touya
10. Temari
11. Katherine Pierce
12. Brian Kinney
13. Morgana
14. Undertaker
15. Castiel
1. If 6 [Akito] and 7 [ Allen ] will switch roles, what would happen?
Oh gods. Be ', if Allen is in front of the Scirocco Sana suppose that would be polite and smiling as always - that is, after Conte, Road, Cross, Tyki and company do not think Allen would collapse in front of a simple fourteen. And then I see him addressing Mrs. Kurata XD
And if you end up in DGM Akito ... Be ', instead of the head of the principal, to take punches to Komu, and so far we are. Then Jerry asks the sushi and wonders how it came to mind with his girlfriend to put on a set like that, expecting to see it appear from under the hat of the Count. Beautiful, eh? XD
2. If a [ Hermione ], 10 [ Temari ] and 15 [ Castiel ] team did, who would be the leader? What would be the name of their group?
But it would be crazy .-. In short, Castiel you politely aside to avoid scratches and insightful comments - and rods, capellini and wool fans flying. Between Hermione and Temari? Let us realize, until those two are stubborn beyond belief, Hermione does not want to know to get second and even Temari. Or merge or tear the shirt as Castiel in the episode that lead to safety Adam * O * E dominates at large U_U
3. If 5 [L] is allied with 14 [ Undertaker ] to address 9 [ Rima ] and 11 [ Katherine ] who would win?
Oh, What a coincidence ... A genius and a Shinigami objected against two opposing vampire. They are feminist women do win. Why do you bribe with chocolate sticks Rima - impossible, but it would be one scene priceless XD - Undertaker and you bribe from Katherine: Let me win and I give you all the corpses for quick package you want. And then a laugh worthy of a state funeral. How? I would not know, considering the subject XD
4. Do you think 3 [ Edward Elric ] is cool? More cool to 13 [ Morgana ]?
Morgana U_U Mind you, I love Ed, but as for figaggine can not beat Morgan. Ok, steel legs, blonde hair, golden eyes, alchemy and so on. But Morgana ... ewe. I love this woman since I first read something about the Arthurian legend. Then it goes well ', I also like the BBC version Morgana. Awww, Morgan \u0026lt;3 What then, Fay's my nickname derives from her crazy * love *
5. Describe 8 [ Alexiel ] in one word.
How the hell do you describe Alexiel with a word? Ok, I try.
I would say divine, but I find it trivial. It 'very well for her. Mh.
Epica. Already it sounds better. Yes, Alexiel is epic. And for some reason I'll be inspired to create my own nickname for her absolutely fabulous (?). * Crazy in love ... * again
6. If 12 [ Brian Kinney ] started to go around full of pink dresses with lace, as what they would think him / her know?
Oh. Brian is eccentric, for heaven's sake ... But if you put "frocks" full of pink and lace ... I do not know: he has become passive? XD I mean, the scene in which Justin becomes the active part of the couple, in that famous episode, I literally killed her, but I do not think it could become a constant. That is, Brian dressed that way would seem Emmett an active violent, nasty and perverse at levels unimaginable. And Michael Godzilla and Bambi. XD That is
7. What would be the song of 6 [ Akito ]?
Eccidevopensare. I have it, sure, but I can think of now .-.
8. What pet would be 10 [ Temari ]?
a tiger. But what I love Temari? * O *
9. Some of your friends like a [ Hermione ]?
Obviously yes.
10. 2 [ Jacob ] and 3 [ Edward Elric ] should agree?
A party who already put the names Jacob and Edward makes me feel close. Pure golden eyes, looks a bit 'XD I do not know if they could get along, if Edward Cullen was able to transform into a marble tower to throw in the first volcano I think so XD
11. 7 [ Allen ] should be on a date with 5 [ L ]?
o_o They are competing to see who eats the most pies Link?
12. 3 [ Edward Elric ] has recently proposed a 4 [Orihime] to have sex. What would 4 [ Orihime ]?
What?! No, sorry, I have to take a little while, the scene is grotesque XD Hime does not have time to react that Edward finds himself a broom stick where he does not want to be part of an angry Tatsuki, Kon, and then applause for daring to be so.
13. 13 [ Morganal ] has just jumped into the arms of 14 [Undertaker]. What would 14 [ Undertaker ]?
took it as a wedding invitation --- funeral, sorry.
14. 15 [ Castiel ] has just embraced 7 [ Allen ], which is immediately transformed into a kitten. How do you react?
If this was the first time is scary XD grotesque Castiel is embracing ... Odd. NekoAllen I would like to see their own, but XD. I just can not imagine the scene, let alone imagine Castiel's reaction.
15. 2 [ Jacob ] and 8 [ Alexiel ] are arguing. Which side will line 9 [ Rima ]?
strategic He cares. He continues to walk undisturbed under its umbrella with Shiki.
16. Someone is trying to kill 11 [ Katherine ]. What would 6 [ Akito ]?
o_o could vaguely groped a karate move, but if someone was really trying to kill Katherine ... well, I doubt a slap in the head could sort it out XD
17. What kind of film 14 [ Undertaker ] would choose to go see the movies?
4 Weddings and a Funeral, which inevitably becomes: four funerals and a wedding.
18. 15 [ Castiel ] would be a vampire or a werewolf?
Well, Castiel is already an angel. But I see more vampire werewolf, if I have to choose.
19. 13 [ Morgana ] would be a ninja or a pirate?
I'd like to see it * _ * Pirate
20. 10 [ Temari ] would help an old lady cross the road?
Yes It is not that Temari is limited to the range and to shake off the Tenten's turn. E 'ages, a kindness that is not all flattery and caresses. E 'ages, Temari. Ok, I digress. But yes, certainly yes.
21. How do you conclude a relationship between a [ Hermione ] and 6 [ Akito ]?
not even begin XD Apart from that Akito is eternally joined with Healthy ... Nah, do not let me so I do not answer certain questions.
22. What would happen if 2 [ Jacob Black ] and 5 [ L ] is is closed in a small room, dark and soundproof?
L will try to count all the hairs of the fur wolfish Jake. And do not make me stupid, please XDDD
23. Between 12 [ Brian Kinney ] and 3 [ Edward Elric ] who has the most character ; evil?
Brian certainly have one more perverse. But they are not evil, they o_o
24. If 2 [ Jacob ] and 4 [ Orihime ] were charged with killing 8 [ Alexiel ], which one would bring to fruition the first operation? How?
Eh ... Jacob would never not do against Alexiel. Hime maybe yes, but would not have the fighting spirit of Alexiel, and then perish in the end. And Alexiel win, you U_U But without killing anyone, because Jake and Hime are two white souls. And how do you kill a girl like Hime COC
25. What if 9 [Rhyme] peck 11 [ Katherine ] in an awkward situation?
type burner doppelgaeger making out with her (Helen)? XD But other than that the scene would like to see ... In my opinion, still sits on the couch to get his affairs.
* Elena and Katherine give us inside *
* Damon and Stefan shoot intravenous doses of Verbena in the meantime *
Rima * opens the door and watches the scene with a frown * neutral
* Katherine strikes Rima and Elena looks gasping, not knowing what to do *
* Rima turns on the TV and starts watching The Big Bang Theory *
26. Someone you know would agree to write / draw something on 12 [ Brian Kinney ] to do you a favor?
Um ... BOH o_o
27. What is the super secret 4 [ Orihime ]?
What is in love with Ichigo. But the idiot does not read the signs, shame on him. And they all understood, even Mayuri, I bet. He did not. But cabbage.
28. If 7 [ Allen ] and 13 [ Morgana ] vied 1 [ Hermione ], who the check?
muahahahahaha XD * rolls * I do not think Allen can move advances to Hermione. Link does not permit him. U_U But Morgana / Hermione I would not mind the check ** Morgana, yeah u_u
29. 5 [ L ] is drunk / a. 14 [Undertaker] and take advantage of? How?
The drunk?! Sugar? ° _ ° Undertaker s'approfitta of the weak / prevent / drunk / anyone in only one way: put them in a coffin and laughs merrily along with Sebastian.
30. If 4 [ Orihime ] oblige three people in this game, who would they be?
But like the whole school and the Soul Society? XD Ok, three names:
All three are very well prepared, then XDFriday, September 3, 2010
How To Extend Outlets When Tiling A Wall
4 sessions per year instead of two. Two of them are not named sessions, but renting half of the credits and course project.
Three trends in the specialty and technical, humanitarian, art, fine though the trumpet playing is not necessary.
huge history profession,
more I realized that in many ways I am a typical Italian, so weird.
When they say is slooooozhno, and few handle something I run into battle, if only to prove something to myself.
still so nice to know that you love ..
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
How To Buy Humpty Dumpty Potato Chips
Giro d'Italia
Soup «Incapriata» in the Apulian 250 rub.
cream soup with green beans Fave chicory.
risotto Mantua 360 rub.
Risotto cream of pumpkin and Parmesan cheese.
rigatoni in Sicilian 480 rbl.
Homemade pasta with roasted eggplant,
cherry tomatoes and Pecorino cheese and Ricotta.
Talatelle in valdostanski 480 rbl.
Homemade pasta with black truffle
cheese and Fontina Val d'Aosta.
in the Ligurian Sea Bass 780 rubles.
Baked Sea Bass with Porcini Mushrooms,
shallots and cherry tomatoes.
liver Venetian 530 rubles.
Stir-fried calf's liver Raisin
and onions on a potato puree.
oxtails and Latin 530 rubles.
stewed oxtails and wine,
cocoa beans and vegetables on polenta.
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Philosophy Crostini
Journal «Weekend» № 32 (178) on 20.08.2010
/ / Daria Tsivin about the restaurant "Italian"
Kitchen Restaurant Italian" and osteria "We Giuseppe" (which was renamed in honor of the new chief) headed by Giuseppe Todisko, who previously worked in Rome, Palermo, Mexico City, Monte Carlo and Ljubljana. Persona of a new boss deserves special attention - Senor Todisko belongs to a rare breed of chef-intellectuals who not only cook, but profess certain philosophical and gastronomic principles that strictly followed in the kitchen. In addition, Giuseppe Todisko with which any visitor "Italian" can personally meet and talk, the good chef appears regularly in the hall, has an incredibly intelligent appearance - without cooking hood it easily can be mistaken for a professor of some of the oldest European university. In addition, he really enjoys classical music, so seriously, that since 1990, maintains friendly relations with Placido Domingo and Jose Carreras.
for them and for Luciano Pavarotti, with whom he worked Giuseppe Todisko few years, he was the personal menu during the world premiere of "Three Tenors in Rome." With regard to trade preferences, the Italian chef, being still a student at the University of agrikultury in his hometown of Bari (Apulia), studied the characteristics of biocompatibility and combinatorial products. Со временем правильно сбалансированная, "здоровая итальянская кухня" стала для шефа частью его самого. "Я не люблю, например, запах жареного масла или запах flour in a pan. But I cook and I have to cook including a frying pan. I had to examine the processes and draw conclusions. "And explains that frying oil temperature should not exceed 180 ° C, otherwise oil will be toxic. In the precision setting temperature regimes, adjusting the methods of processing and examining the permissible combinations products, Giuseppe began composing dishes. And what is most surprising and enjoyable, it was found that the kitchen Giuseppe Todisko has nothing to do with asceticism separate food and raw food diet. This is a full Italian cuisine, just a scientific approach, whereby after a meal is no weight in the stomach. That's how the menu "Italian" appeared mozzarella di Bufalo with marinated anchovies (580 rub.) soup with smoked potatoes with live oysters (290 rubles)., gazpacho with live scallops on the shell (470 rub.), Risotto with Porcini mushrooms and guinea fowl (530 RUB.), Linguine with cauliflower and botargoy (320 rub.) Impetata of mussels and vongole with tomatoes and white wine (570 rub.) stinketto of lamb in herbs (790 rubles)., easy cheesy Tartini with raspberry puree, passion fruit or mango (250 rubles). and the soup of sweet sparkling wine with fresh berries Brocetto (450 rubles).. More than that! The updated menu, there was a place for such "bad" foods like polenta Crostini with chicken liver, Lardeau of Vale d'Aosta with homemade sausage and confiture of sweet onion (280 rubles)., escalope of foie gras with pears and marsala wine in a puff pastry (480 rubles)., guinea fowl breast stuffed with lobster meat and foie gras, with peperonatoy (580 rubles). and creme brulee with pistachio nuts and fresh berries (390 rubles). that in the performance of Giuseppe Todisko just as tasty as it is safe for health. And another good news - prices, "Italians" have declined significantly. That's what a scientific approach!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
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Wednesday, August 25, 2010
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To get your personal cumulative discount card , you just need to fill out when visiting our restaurant.
early next visit to any restaurant our holding on presentation card you will be credited with the amount of your bill.
* Upon reaching the sum of 15000 rubles will be issued gift certificate the amount of 1000 rubles, you or your friends can spend to pay for future bills.
* Upon reaching the sum of 30000 rubles your card is automatically will be translated into a discount providing discounts of 10%.
* Continuation of going to restaurants and the accumulation of 60,000 rubles, the amount on the card, according to the results automated accounting system of checks allow you to achieve a discount of 15%.
Discount Cards give our facility the right to accumulate bonus and receive discounts in Vinothek «Dissident» (St. Nicholas, 25, 5 th Floor), Bulgarian restaurant "Baba Marta" (Gogol Str., 8) and cafe Loft (St. Nicholas 25, Moscow, 6 floor) at face value on your card.
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Easy Baked Ziti Recipe
from his tour in Italy, home of Giuseppe
brought a special machine to produce the most diverse paste.
So it is very soon, we just move away from the factory
pasta and all kinds of thereof will be doing yourself!
And he brought a good Italian mood and
ready to enter one of these days several new dishes on the menu and the Italian osteria.
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Monday, August 23, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
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remind you that in our facebook is specially created forum topic ,
where anyone can complain, praise, ask a question
or simply write a few words of friendly restaurants leadership "Italian" and Osteria "We Giuseppe."
Monday, August 9, 2010
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In Italian restaurants, and Oster In GIUSEPPE have one convenient service to the population - DELIVERY.